3 Best Winter Plants For Cold Months

A round white table with a wooden chair and a plant in a basket pot.

The end of Autumn is fast-approaching, and for many in the Northern hemisphere, Winter is already here. Few think of the colder months as the time to cultivate a garden, with many of us naturally associating flora and fauna with Spring. However, if you have got green fingers, there are 3 types of winter-flowering plants you can start growing right now.

Cute Winter Plants: Winter Aconites

Winter aconites are bright, yellow flowers with small green leaves. They thrive in cold temperatures when frost and snow are abundant, and they symbolize hope, rebirth, and new beginnings as they tend to bloom in late Winter, from early February and all the way through to Spring. They can certainly add a touch of vibrancy to your garden in the Winter.

These flowers are best planted in shady areas, such as under trees. The soil must be well-drained but moist. They are planted from tubers, which start out in pots of compost before gardeners transfer them to the ground outside. When you transfer them to the ground, you should plant them about four inches apart and around three inches deep, to ensure their tubers are protected from the harsh temperatures above ground level. As a plant native to Europe, they can be found anywhere from France to Bulgaria.

Winter aconites are popular with gardeners because they do not require any special care once they have been planted and established. They are also pest-free, as most winter flowers tend to be.

Pretty Winter Plants: Camellias

There are more than 220 species of Camellias in the world, but the most common ones you will find come in the form of an evergreen shrub with dark leaves and lush, pink blossoms. They are native to East Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China, and depending on the variety, they may take on a different color, such as lavender, yellow, red, or even white. Camellias generally symbolize love, affection, and admiration, in both romantic and platonic senses.

Camellias bloom as early as October, but most flowers appear in December or January. The good thing about planting camellias is that these flowers are long-lasting, and you can enjoy their colors all the way to April. You can plant them in rich and moist soil. They do not require a lot of suns, so they can be planted in shady areas. If you want your garden to be filled with camellia shrubs, you should space them at least 5 feet apart to ensure they do not have to compete for water and nutrients.

These flowers are popular because they are easy to care for and live for a long time. You onlyhave to prune them occasionally to remove dead branches. They also thrive in colder areas as long as they are not exposed to frost. However, they are susceptible to pests and insects, especially when the plant is in poor health.

Cool Winter Plants: Snowdrops

Snowdrops are little white, bell-shaped flowers with two linear leaves. They are reminiscent of tulips, but their flowers droop downwards. They can be found all over Europe, from the frosty woodlands of Scandinavia to those in Eastern Europe. As a symbol of purity, innocence, and sympathy, they are often planted in groups of 10 to 25 or more. They also carry a lightly honeyed, creamy almond smell which can be calming. In bloom, they make a pleasing and complementary addition to a snowy landscape.

You can plant snowdrops anytime, on a site with moist but well-drained soil. They do not require strong sunlight, making them a perfect addition to your winter garden. These flowers bloom from January to March. During their ‘off-season’, the snowdrop bulbs rest underground until they bloom the next time. To ensure no one digs up your bulbs when they are dormant, you can put up a sign or plant ferns around the area to conceal the bare spaces.

Snowdrops are popular because they are pest-free. Animals do not eat them either. However, they do multiply by offsets, which are new bulbs that grow attached to the main (mother) bulb. They also multiply relatively quickly, which means your flowers can become quite dense if not replanted in other areas.

General Tips for Cultivating a Winter Garden

There is no reason for your winters to be grey and dreary. With a little planning, you can cultivate a beautiful and vibrant winter garden that can lift your spirits. The general tip for planting these flowers is to make sure you plant the seeds and bulbs at least six weeks before the ground freezes in your location. This is to make sure that the roots can have enough time to spread out and develop a network in the soil, which is vital for water and nutrient uptake. You should also be patient, as flowers and shrubs take time to grow and reach their full potential.

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