The importance of sunscreen

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When it comes to having a skincare routine, most dermatologists and experts agree that you definitely need to wear some kind of sunscreen. In fact, sunscreen is a vital part of protecting your skin from the sun! But why do you need to wear one, and why is it so important? In this article, we both explain and break down what makes sunscreen so essential when it comes to skin protection, and what types of sunscreen you should get. Make sure to finish reading to learn more below!

What is SPF

If you are thinking about buying sunscreen, then you may have come across the acronym of SPF. But what do they even mean? SPF stands for sun protection factor. This number represents a sunscreen’s ability to protect your skin against harmful times of ultraviolet (UV) rays, often known as UVB. UVB rays are specifically the ones responsible for sunburns and skin cancer. That being said, there are other types of UV rays, such as UVC rays (which generally do not pass through the Earth’s atmosphere) and UVA rays (which are also responsible for skin ageing and skin cancer). All in all, a sunscreen that is broad spectrum will protect your skin against both UVB and UVA rays.

More specifically, the number will tell you how long the sun’s UVB rays would take to harm or redden your skin if you apply the sunscreen as directed, in comparison to if you did not apply it. So, if you use an SPF 30 product, it will likely take you around 30 times longer to burn than if you did not apply the sunscreen at all.

What types of sunscreen should I get?

On the whole, you should probably get a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Of course, what type of sunscreen you get will depend on your daytime activities. For instance, if you are spending a lot of time outdoors, you should pick a product with SPF 60 or greater. Additionally, most people do not apply sunscreen as they should, so a higher SPF will help you to compensate for the reduced application.

If you are planning to do any water-related activities such as swimming, then you should also consider getting a water-resistant sunscreen. That being said, it is important to remember that no sunscreen is completely water-proof – they will all eventually wash off. Those sunscreens that are labelled as water-resistance tend to be effective for up to 40 minutes so swimming. While sunscreens that are labelled as very water resistant tend to stay on for up to 80 minutes in the water. So, always remember to reapply sunscreen around every two hours of exposure and immediately after swimming or excessively sweating.

Reduce the risk of sunburn

One of the best things about sunscreen is that it can help you to prevent sunburns. Sunburns occur when you spend long periods of time outdoors without any sunscreen or sun protection. However, it can also happen in tanning beds or booths. If you often get sunburns, it can lead to damage that can eventually cause skin cancer, premature wrinkling, or other skin issues. So, always be sure to apply sunscreen before going out! Fortunately, if you catch a sunburn early enough, you may be able to use oral or topical steroids to prevent some of the server damages associated with sunburns.

Prevent signs of ageing

Research has shown that repeated sun exposure without any kind of protection will cause damage to your collagen, elastin, and skin cells. Over long periods of time, this can lead to premature signs of ageing. This can include things like discolouration, wrinkles, fine lines, and your skin taking on a leathery appearance. Premature ageing is also known as photoaging and is common in people who do not use sunscreen when spending time outdoors. Thankfully, all these skin issues are preventable with daily sunscreen use.

Reduce the risk of getting skin cancer

Even when it is cloudy, you should still keep using sunscreen. This s because it is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer from happening. Many studies have shown that by age 70, usually one in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer. Fortunately, you can lower the risk of developing this by using a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen multiple times a day every day. For even more protection, it is always recommended that you use a higher-level SPF. Of course, if you are spending a lot of time outdoors or in the water, then it is best that you reapply your sunscreen around every two hours to protect yourself.

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